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Conference publicationsAbstractsXXII conferenceMathematical modeling of a number of scientific processes in various fields of knowledgedenis-tarnovskij@yandex.ru 1 pp. (accepted)The proposed work is in the field of mathematical logic, mathematical modeling, and is closely related to questions of philosophy of mathematics. Structural work consists of two parts. In the first part we consider the category of space, a coordinate system, offers a look at the question of the ratio of zero and infinity. In the second part, based on the input pattern space, we consider the processes in electrodynamics, physiology, in particular the cardiovascular system of man is described in the context of the elements of the proposed space. An attempt to simulate the process of thinking, the issues related to the physiology of the human brain. In writing this paper the main objective pursued, it is the identification and description of general laws in the various fields of knowledge. This, in turn, allows us to consider the scientific issues to a new level, to synthesize the principles identified in one. Make proposed based on the model under consideration of S. Jobs has the following structure: Part 1: Parameters and structure coordinates of S. 1.1.Opredelenie space S. 1.2. The structure of the space S. 1.3.Sistema coordinates in the space S. Part 2: Modeling in the space S. 2.1.Vektornye and numerical parameters. 2.2. Modeling of processes of electrodynamics; 2.3. Human circulatory system in the context of the model S. 2.4.Modelirovanie human thinking process.