
Conference publications


XXI conference

On-line Matematics Teaching

Bureev V.A., Lobanov A.I., Filippov V.P., Senchenkov P.A.

Moscow121165, Kutuzov avenue,30/32 -581

2 pp. (accepted)

Innovative activity of the Department of higher mathematics of Moscow State Academy for Water Transport is aimed at the creation of interactive training programs for independent preparation of students and schoolboys [1,2]; methods and tools of visualization according to the requirements of the FSES-2011[3]; development and use in educational process scientific educational games and creation of electronic educational resources for distance learning[4].

Developed resources are placed on the educational portal of the Department of www. . In the educational portal is integrated video channel with the following features: conducting lectures visualizations as in on-line mode with unlimited number of pupils and in the mode of individual classes with a single student. In the process of on-line classes, the teacher has the ability to correspond, to send the disciples individual tasks, to use rapid testing with immediate feedback and the use of interactive whiteboard for collective use.

Currently educational portal updated with new electronic resources , and the video channel of on-line education is being tested with students navigators


1.Bureev V.A., Galaktionov C.V. and other. Innovative techniques of teaching of mathematics in e-learning. Bulletin of the Eletsk state University. Series «Pedagogics». Eletsk-2012,5 р.

2. Bureev, V.A., Galaktionov S.V. and other. Interactive educational programs in mathematics to prepare for the exam. Proceedings of II International conference «Traditions of humanization in education» memory of G.V.Dorofeev. Moscow, 21 June 2012, 5p

3.Bureev V.A., Filippov V.P. and other . Interactive methods and visualization tools in innovative educational programs. Materials XXXI all-Russia seminar «Problems of teaching of mathematics in secondary and higher education in the conditions of realization of new educational standards».Tobolsk.2012, 2p..

4.Bureev V.A., Matzur F.K. and other. Innovative scientific-educational technology mathematics teaching in distance education. Materials of the XXI International conference «Mathematics. Education» , Cheboksary 27 may - 2 June 2013, 1p

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