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Conference publicationsAbstractsXXI conferenceTypesetting of digital tutorials in LaTeX and their publishingRussia, 115563, Moscow, street of General Belova 6, Phone: 8(495)393-89-58, E-mail: meshcheryakov.valery@gmail.com 2 pp. (accepted)Free software cross-platform package LaTeX [1, 2] based on the TeX typesetting program [3] allws to create textbooks in pdf format with color polygraphy, contents, searching system, hyperlinks to web pages, video and audio material, possibility to copy texts, drawings and software codes, and more. In the education system possibility of inclusion in tutorials video and audio [4] is especially promising. It allows a student working independently not only to view the demonstration material, but also master the methods and technologies, for example, analytical transformations, modeling, work with software products, programming, and more. Package LaTeX can be applied for the development of textbooks on physics, mathematics, computer science, economics, statistics, engineering, psychology, foreign languages etc. The use of such tutorial allows reducing the time to transfer a standard volume of knowledge and skills, expand the studied material disciplines, increase the time for student's independent research and design work. Eventually it creates a highly efficient technology of educational process adequate to mentality of today's youth. In the Russian education system focused on the low effective form of group learning, digital publishing pointed to individual forms has not wide application. Introduction of new technology requires the individualization of educational process and the establishment of specialized publishing houses or publishing departments to publish digital tutorials with the appropriation of corresponding bibliographic indexes, and on acceptable conditions for authors. Bibliography [1] Leslie Lamport, LaTeX: a document preparation system, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Massachusetts, 1994. [2] Львовский С. М. Набор и верстка в системе LaTeX. М.: МЦНМО, 2006. [3] Donald E. Knuth, The TEXbook, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Massachusetts, 1986. (Кнут, Дональд. Все про TeX. -- М.: «Вильямс», 2003.) [4] http://ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/movie15/