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Conference publicationsAbstractsXXI conferenceThe question on modeling killer wavesMoscow State Academy of Water Transport Department of Mathematics Russia, 117105 , Moscow, Novodanilovskaya emb. 2, Bldg. 1. 1 pp. (accepted)THE QUESTION OF MODELING KILLER WAVES
Sidorov S.V.
Moscow State Academy of Water Transport Department of Mathematics Russia, 117105 , Moscow, Novodanilovskaya emb. 2, Bldg. 1. E-mail: sidorovsv@mail.ru
Previously [1] proposed an approach to modeling and description of the killer waves, fairly frequent phenomenon, which consists of the sudden appearance of a huge wave amplitude with a sharp edge and with little time of life, which often cause catastrophic consequences. For example, the killer waves in the ocean can lead to the destruction of ships and oil platforms in the economy an unexpected and sudden jumps in exchange rates and actions in the social environment to major social unrest and possibly a revolutionary processes. Do not be ruled out that such waves can cause damage to blood vessels in the body. The proposed approach is based on the use of homoclinic solutions of nonlinear evolution equations, in particular, the hydrodynamic equations for the description and simulation of freak waves. Homoclinic solutions of these equations presented in the phase space of the topological product of the limit cycle , corresponding to the oscillations of the oscillating environment and homoclinic loop on this cycle , is responsible for the appearance of a wave with a much larger amplitude than the fluctuations in the environment, comply with the characteristics of such waves. In this paper we continue the investigation of these solutions on the model equations describing the oscillating environment with the transfer. The investigation of the shape and amplitude of the waves depends on the natural frequency of the medium on its dissipative properties and the rate of mass transfer medium.
Literature . 1. Sidorov S.V. On the modeling of the killer waves // Mathematic. Computer. Education. Abstracts. Issue 20. Twentieth International Conference. Pushchino, January 28. - Feb 2. 2013. Ed. RG. Moscow, Izhevsk, 2013. P. 191.