
Conference publications


XXI conference

RFID technologies in ensuring safety of document funds

Sukhanova E.V.

Russia, Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk, Universitetskaya St., 1. Ph. 8 (3412)66-17-59, е-mail:

1 pp. (accepted)

RFID technologies in ensuring safety of document funds

Considering universal automation of the main technological processes, the block of tasks of ensuring safety of library stocks is solved today with use of modern technologies. Large libraries paid the attention to technology of radio-frequency identification (RFID, Radio Frequency Identification). It is technology of automatic contactless identification of objects by means of a radio-frequency communication channel, at the heart of system - a RFID tag. Identification of objects is made on the unique digital code which is read out from memory of an electronic tag. Got to an area of coverage of a reading-out field radio-frequency tags "answer" with own signal containing information (for example, accession number of the document, the user data, etc.). The signal is caught by the reader antenna, information is deciphered and transferred to the computer for processing.

Use of RFID tags simplifies processing of the coded data; allows to organize the stations of self-service convenient for users (delivery and return of documents); to carry out remote search of documents; to install the protivokrazhny equipment. For example, RFID technology use much more reduces time of carrying out check of a library stock as enough to carry out along the shelf and on a unique code of a tag the document is identified by the reader remotely. Besides, there is no need to fix a tag in a certain place of the document, they can be read out by groups and in any geometrical projection. Besides, the RFID system successfully works practically with all automated library systems: SNOW LEOPARD, Marc SQL, 1C: School library. Especially important that after RFID introduction, the library works with a habitual program cover. That is, the system doesn't demand special skills and breaks in work doesn't arise.

At the same time experts note that application of RFID tags is accompanied by a number of problems. First, sensitivity and a distance of reading RFID tags can significantly decrease if its design specially isn't adapted under object. The same RFID tag pasted on various materials (paper, plastic, glass), will have a little various performance data. Therefore it is necessary to adapt specially a tag design under specifics of a working material. Secondly, use of RFID systems can create problems of information security. Potential risks include industrial espionage, invasion into private life and property of users [1]. But RFID tags constantly adapt and today are developed specially for libraries. Already there are special tags for rare and important documents, for marking of CD and DVD disks. Activated protivokrazhny function can be built in each tag. The saved up experience found reflection in the international ISO 28560 "RFID in Libraries" standard (it is accepted in the Russian Federation with 23.03.2011г. ) .

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