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Conference publicationsAbstractsXX conferenceSocio-economic activities reserve394043, Voronezh, st. Lenin and 73, 1 pp. (accepted)The concept of the reserves and the existing management system should be based on socio-economic realities of the day. Reserves are multifunctional organizations and their functions are often contradictory. The first function of nature conservation. Any action to reduce the action of this function should be considered as a threat to the strategic interests of the country. Second, the function is the implementation of environmental monitoring and research. The third function of reserves - participation in regional planning, this feature can be considered as an extra. The fourth function - ecotourism in nature reserves - should be extremely limited. Implementation of structural and functional analysis of the system of nature reserves as part of the system of nature shows that focusing on the direct or indirect economic resources reserves is a temporary phenomenon, for which you can not ignore. And to optimize the PA in the first stage should be assessed the current state of the network of protected areas in the region, which can be made at the basis of geo-environmental monitoring, should also carry out certification and cadastral valuation territory.