
Conference publications


XX conference

Different approaches to pressure modeling in reduction cell

Anpilov S.V., Savenkova N.P., Kalmykov A.V., Kuzmin R.N.

Московский государственный университет им. М.ВЛомоносова, ф-т Вычислительной Математики и Кибернетики, каф. Вычислительных Методов, Московский государственный университет им. М.ВЛомоносова, Физический ф-т,

1 pp. (accepted)

Three different ways of pressure calculation are presented in current work; model equations are based on 3D two-phase MHD system of equations. Pressure models: hydrostatic model, transient model based on Dirichlet problem for Poisson's and transient problem based on Neumann problem for Poisson’s equation. Computational results are provided and discussed for each method mentioned above.


1. Savenkova N.P.., Anpilov S.V., Kuzmin R.N., Provorova O.G., Piskazhova T.V. Two-phase 3D model of MHD processes in reduction cell. – Collection of abstracts of third international congress «Tsventie metalli - 2011». Krasnoyarsk,. – С. 282-286.

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