
Conference publications


XX conference

Numerical estimation of the information entropy in the spatial stochastic reaction-diffusion system

Zhelnov Yu.V.

S.P. Korolyov Samara State Aerospace University, 34, Moskovskoe sh., Samara, 443086, E-mails:

1 pp. (accepted)

In work the numerical method is described. It allows to receive a numerical estimation of the information entropy by means of co-occurrence matrices which are widely applied at texture analysis. Distribution on space during each moment of time can be considered as the image on the basis of which co-occurrence matrices are calculated, and on them - information entropy. The given method of a numerical estimation of the information entropy has been applied to the analysis of dynamics of the ecological model Scheff er described by system of the spatial stochastic reaction-di usion equations. Influence of multiplicative fluctuations of parameters on formation spatial patterns was investigated in work. In the given work by means of a numerical estimation of the information entropy the influence of radius of correlation of external felds on dynamics of system was investigated. For the longest time spatial patterns were formed in case when the radius of correlation coincided with characteristic spatial scale of a problem. The given coincidence has allowed to put forward originally the assumption of presence of a stochastic resonance. However obtained data on the information entropy have denied this assumption. The observed phenomenon requires further investigation.

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