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Conference publicationsAbstractsXIX conferenceComputers in training of adultskleninali@mail.ru 1 pp. (accepted)COMPUTERS IN TRAINING OF ADULTS
Klenina L.I., Pavlova E.A.
National research university "MPEI" (The Moscow power engineering institute) Russia, 105835, Moscow, street Krasnokazarmennaja, д.17. Tel. 8-915-302-28-77, e-mail: kleninali@mail.ru
Formation of adult people is of great importance in modern conditions in connection with a demographic situation in the developed countries: reduction of birth rate and increase in age of the working population. Now in connection with reorganization and occurrence of new technologies there is a necessity of improvement of professional skill and retraining of adults. Thus formation of adults has not only objective – social and economic conditionality, but also personal interest. Adults trained try to apply the received theoretical knowledge di-rectly in own practical activities. To the aid the Internet should come, and it should be mobile, accessible is direct on a workplace of the trainee. In these conditions there is a question on application of modern information-communicative technologies (ICT) which «represent powerful tools zapi-si, storages, process-ings, researches, transfers and representations (transfer) of the information» [1]. O.V. Zimina, A.I. Kirillov and A.F. Salimova is allocated with peculiar features of application ICT in for-mation. They ascertain and predict: «the Educational part of a cyberspace became addition of the traditional educational information environment, generated of printing manuals. At a cer-tain stage of purposeful formation of this environment, there should be a uniform educational-scientific information environment. It urged to overcome dissociation, a fragmentariness in studying of separate disciplines and to take out on intersubject vision scientific know-ledge»[1]. Thus there is a new object of training – a tandem «trained + the computer». Devel-opment of information technology dictate introduction of the multiservice networks capable effectively to transfer the diverse traffic, including the data, a voice and video. Now there are some decisions allowing to combine within the limits of one network of any size data transmission, for example, transfer of different types of the traffic on separate physical lines, creation of two independent network infrastructures; transfer of various types of the traffic on one line; transformation of one kind of the traffic to another with the subsequent transportation and switching. References. 1. Zimina O.V., Kirillov A.I., Salimova A.F. Influence of means ICT on a tech-nique of teaching and the subject matter maintenance//Mathematics. Formation: materials of 19th Mezhdunar. конф. – Cheboksary: Publishing house the Chu-vash. Un t. 2011. P. 317.