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Conference publicationsAbstractsXIX conferenceBase concept and two-level structure disciplines computer scienceblack_drive@smtp.ru 1 pp. (accepted)Freenland A.Y. [1, p. 85] has given a definition: «The Information is the understanding arising in the device of thinking of the person, after reception of given by him, interconnected with previous knowledge and concepts (thesaurus)». It follows from the definition: 1) outside of the person there are only signals and the data; 2) the information is the result of cerebration of the person; 3) the initial thesaurus extending during cerebration of the person is necessary. Being based on these three positions, definitions of base concepts of a rate Computer science are offered. The Information is a result of cerebration of the person, allowing him: I) to undertake the actions adequate to a situation; II) to expand thesaurus, to undertake prediction actions; III) to generate new knowledge. In definition the logic chain in the unknown person to us while the law of development of the Nature, resulted to occurrence of the person is reflected: the signal → the data → the first stage is typical of wildlife; the second stage is for advanced representatives of fauna; the third stage is usual only for a person. The ability to generate knowledge, has allocated the person as the special representative of fauna. The Computer science is an area of human activity connected to processing of signals, the data and knowledge on the basis of available scientific and technical achievements helping them (science and engineering) in their further development. There are two counter processes in the definition - forming a positive feedback - interactions of Computer science with scientific and technical achievements. From the definition the two-level structure of a rate Computer science logically follows. Dealing with signals and the data, the Computer science acts as applied discipline (bachelor degree); dealing with knowledge, the Computer science acts as metadiscipline (magistracy). For division of concepts, we use terms [1]: at work with signals and the data - 'information-data'; at work with knowledge - 'information'. In these terms definitions are offered: Information-data process is a process of working of signals and the data. Information process is a process: 1) reflecting cerebration of the person with an image; 2) by transfer of an image - its embodiment in a signal and-or the data; 3) at reception of a signal and-or the data - extraction from them an image, sense.
References. 1. Freenland A.Y. Computer science: processes, systems, resources - M.: Binom. 2003. 232 p.