
Conference publications


XIX conference

The combinatory abstract machine as a model of applicative calculator

Mazhirin I.V.

KIFF, Russia, 121151, Moscow, Kutuzovsky pr. 24/1, +74957291442,

1 pp. (accepted)

As it is known, under the Turing machine circuit used architecture of computers all in large quantities for today are constructed. The Turing machine is the extension of model of the finite state machine, the abstract model of a certain calculator which for a finite number of the fulfilled commands should reach result, i. e. fulfill a certain algorithm: to pass from one discrete state in another to (stop). The modified Turing machine - the combinatory abstract machine for a reduction (expansion) of combinatory terms in the selected combinatory basis {K, S} is offered to reviewing. Essential difference of the offered circuit of the machine is presence (on determination) the strong correlation between tape cells: applications. Cells are applicated to each other. That is characters from the finite alphabet of machine A, B, C, D the tapes written down in cells, will be interconnected among themselves by application «•» on association to the left.

A B C D = A•B•C•D = (((AB) A C) D) =ABCD. (1)

As it is known, the majority of the modern in large quantities used computers have the Von Neumann architecture and are constructed on the basis of the Turing machine and consist of three principal components: storage, the processor and the exchange channel in between. In storage there are words of the executable program. The next word is selected from storage, transferred in the processor and there is fulfilled. Then, the result from the processor is transferred on the exchange channel reversely in storage. That is we have a problem 'The neck of a bottle the Von Neumann". The elementary operation: "Addition". The Primary goal: performance of arithmetical tasks. Speed is calculated by an amount of operations with a floating point in a second.

At usage in architecture of computers the applicative calculator with combinatory basis {K, S} the problem 'The neck of a bottle the Von Neumann" since at a reduction the result from the processor isn't transferred reversely in storage disappears. The elementary operation: "Application". The Primary goal: symbolic processing and inference. Speed can be expressed an amount of applications in a second.

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