
Conference publications


XIX conference

About trimedial quasigroups

Borzunova T.L.

Chernomirdin Moscow State Open University , Faculty Applied Mathematics, Chair of Informatics and Information Technology,Pavel Corchagin st., 22, Moscow , 107996, Russia,Phone: 8(495) 683-68-46, e-mail: ,

2 pp. (accepted)

The term ‘quasigroup’ was belongs to R.Mufang. Her works, denoted by non-desarg project plane, become push in development of the theory of quasigroup. At present, this theory of quasigroups is the separate section of the algebra.

That section haves relations with:

• the most algebra ;

• the geometry (the theory projective planes);

• the theory combinstoric (the theory latin square);

• the algebraic networks and others.

Medial quasigroup class is a one of the first classes that was a studied.

These the quasigroups are defined (determined) by identity

xy o uv=xu o yv

Medial quasigroups naturally it is possible to generalize as follows:

The quasigroup Q(o) refers to trimedial, if its (her) any three elements derivate medial quasigroup. For example, distributive quasigroup, CH- quasigroup is a medial quasigroups.

In work communication (connection) CH -quasigroups, trimedial quasigroups, commutative F- quasigroups is underlined.

It appears, that in commutativeF- quasigroupQ(o) the set of local units forms edinal e(Q) which coincides with associator Q(o), that is the factor - quasigroup Q/e(Q) is (commutative) group.

And, that the class CH-quasigroups coincides with a class total - symmetric F- quasigroups.


1. Borzunova T.L. To the question about trimedial quasigroups.// Abstracts of the twelfth General Meeting of European Women in Mathematics (EWM).-Volgograd, VSU, 2005. Pp.27-28.

2. Belousov V.D. The bases of the quasigroup theory and loop - М.: Science, 1967. 223 pages

3. Belousov V.D. The algebraic networks and quasigroups. - Chishinew: Shtiintsa, 1971. 165 pages.

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