
Conference publications


XVII conference

Ratinug approach to end-of-term test on higher mathematics

Pyrkova O.A.

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (state university), dept. of Higher mathematics, Russia, 141700, Moscow region, Dolgoprudny, Institutskii per. 9, tel.: (495) 408 81 72, E mail:

1 pp. (accepted)

Dramatic increase of new knowledge leads to large amount of information that should be learned for professional training of future scientists and engineers. The main purpose of higher education becomes to train specialists capable of innovative research based on fundamental knowledge and independent responsible decisions at different stages of work. Rating approach to end-of-term tests assists the development of necessary qualities in students. This is achieved by independent planning of individual study schedule by students based on unbiased understanding of their knowledge and avoiding conflict situations.

When rating the student’s knowledge the teacher should take into account the following points:

• compliance with the schedule of laboratory works,

• learning of theoretical material, indicated by results of end-of-term test,

• compliance with the schedule of tasks,

• attendance at classes.

The resulting rating score is the weighted sum of above indicators. Varying the weights it is possible to make stress either on work in term or on end-of-term tests. Timely and high quality following the education schedule results in score equal to 5. Delay of laboratory work decreases the score: for example, half of point for each two weaks of delay. Obviously this will affect the resulting score.

The presented approach is easily modified according to the subject, the method of teaching and other features of educational process [1].


1. Varlamova S.A. Compensation of biased rate of estimation of students’ knowledge // Mathematical methods in technics and technology – ММТТ-22: Proceedings of XXII International Scientific Conference International Scientific Methodological Symposium «Modern problems of multilevel education » / edited by V.S. Balakireva – Rostov-upon-Don: DGTU publishers, 2008, pp. 116 – 118.

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