
Conference publications


XXIX conference

Why do Students in Modern Russia Low Value of the Higher Education

Vinokurova N.A., Gudovich I.S.1

Central Economic and Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, 117418, Moscow, Nakhimovsky prospect, 47, Tel.: +7 (495) 421-54-30,

1Voronezh State University, Mathematical Faculty, Department of Mathematical Modeling, Russia, 394006, Voronezh, Universitetskaya pl.1, Tel.: 8 (910) 280-58-07,

1 pp. (accepted)

The presented work is the part of the studies series that were carried out by the authors in 2017–2021 years. It is based on an analysis of the materials of 2017 and 2019 years university youth questionnaires, mainly in Voronezh and Moscow.

The authors of this work aimed to analyze those changes in the minds of students and graduate students that reflect their ideas about the value of higher education, as well as their vision of their own professional future and the resources they plan to rely on in shaping success of life.

First, attention is drawn to the fact that students do not feel the need to assimilate knowledge on the programs offered by universities: slightly less than 90% of respondents do not consider it important to deeply master the university program. The situation is even worse for postgraduate students: only 5% of respondents "hope" for deep mastering of the university program. Young people from universities in Moscow and Voronezh (the total array of answers) noted in the questionnaires purposefulness (54%), excellent communication skills (51%), and self-confidence (45%) as important for their future. Third of the respondents believe that the presence of connections can provide success in life. The main reason that the knowledge gained by students from university programs are not a value for them, is the situation on the labor market: according to All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion 55% of respondents believe that it is very problematic for a university graduate to find a job according to his profile, and 20% of respondents believe that it is "practically impossible." When answering the question: "Please mark the most prestigious, in your opinion, professions", the largest number of respondents noted the prestigious profession of a programmer (55%). The profession of a university teacher was noted as prestigious 3 times less than students and graduate universities students in Moscow and Voronezh (20%). At the same time, when evaluating the most important school subjects, only 4.5% of respondents indicated informatics.

The research has shown that in their vision of future, students are guided by the state of the labor market. The optimism of youth encourages students and graduate students to rely not on the knowledge they have acquired, but on their own qualities and capabilities. In the ideas about the future of modern youth, there is a desire to choose the easiest ways to achieve life success, which is the result of the aggressive imposition of consumer and high-cost living standards on society under the meme "You deserve it!"


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