
Conference publications


XXIX conference

Collision of nonlinear waves in an annular channel

Laponin V.S., Skladchikov S.A., Anpilov S.V., Savenkova N.P.

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Faculty of CMC

1 pp. (accepted)

A large number of works are devoted to the study of wind waves, for example [1-5]. Nevertheless, many questions have not yet been clarified. So, at present, the relationships between the length, amplitude and speed of such waves have not been studied in sufficient detail, both experimentally and theoretically. For this reason, this work is devoted to the study of these relationships using mathematical modeling.

Consider an annular channel with a height of 0.6 m, a width of 0.2, and an inner radius of 1 m (Fig. 1). At the initial moment of time, there is a quiescent liquid in the channel, which occupies half of the volume in the installation, the remaining volume is filled with air. The wind (at a speed of 4.5 m / s) is generated by four fans evenly spaced above the duct.

For mathematical modeling of this process, we write the system of Navier-Stokes equations in a Cartesian coordinate system, the oZ axis of which coincides with the symmetry axis of the ring. Systems of equations for air and water are written out separately [5-8].


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