
Conference publications


XIX conference

Implementation of distant formation in Azerbaijan

Safarova S.I.

The Azerbaijan University of Cooperation, Azerbaijan, AZE 1106, N.Narimanov 8B, phone: (99412) 561-29-72

1 pp. (accepted)

Within the limits of Government program implementation on education system information in Azerbaijan for 2008-2012 with support of Fund of Heydar Aliyev and the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan the project under a title «Electronic learning system» is prepared.

The purpose of implementation of the given project development of distant formation in the country, involving in this process of schoolboys, in particular those who needs special guardianship of the state, practical training of pupils, teachers of high schools of computer literacy, to skills of usage in educational process of electronic resources.

System DE the educational system providing no genesis by means of distant technologies of training. It includes: frame composition of administration and technology professionals, the faculty, teaching materials and products, techniques of training and a delivery system of knowledge trained, united organizational, methodically and technically for the purpose of remote learning carrying out.

Throughout 2011 within the limits of a pilot stage of implementation, in Baku distant lessons for 30 schoolboys of school № 219 are successfully conducted.

Further it is planned to carry out following actions:

To give to pupils and teachers notebooks Mac Book of manufacture of the company of Apple, İnc., equipped with the latest technologies and the software;

To provide with the Internet and access to an educational network of the house in which there live pupils;

To provide the educational center selected for teachers with the high speed Internet;

To prepare learning persons on the basis of the book «Electronic learning systems».

It is not eliminated that already in 2011-2012 all state high schools of the country will actively use models of remote learning and Azerbaijan will turn in the leader of this branch not only on regional, but also at the European level. The most important is team building in high schools which will support distant model of training, and also to carry out informing among students and teachers.

At Cooperation university operations on successful project implementation «Electronic learning system» are conducted. Necessary materials, methodical manuals in separate subjects are collected; operations on equipment setting are completed.

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