
Conference publications


XIX conference

Proper names in professional communication

Novinskaia N.V., Novinsky V.Y.

FGBOU VPO Astrakhan State Technical University, Institute of Humanities, Department of "Russian language" Russia, 414 025, Astrakhan, ul. Tatishchev, 16, Tel: (8512) 614567, E-mail:

1 pp. (accepted)

The development of scientific knowledge, learning Russian and foreign undergraduate and graduate students in their various calls for the creation of more and more units of the nomination for a full-fledged professional communication. Along with the traditional appellative vocabulary into the terminology of various disciplines are widely used names.

The terms are formed on the basis of personal names or surnames are called by different names: familial, or eponimicheskimi eponimnymi, deantroponimicheskimi formations, etc. They also referred to as terms, eponyms, eponimicheskimi names or names eponimicheskimi (EN).

The choice of terms, eponyms as an object of study and a description is not accidental: they represent a sufficiently large and self-formation of special vocabulary with open borders for the replenishment of industry terminology with new nominative units.

Studies eponimicheskih names appearing in terminosistemy different sciences (philosophy, physics, chemistry, medicine and geology), showed that they are all structural types of names: non-derivative words (becquerel, Gauss, Hilbert, Kelvin), affixal derivatives (Yeremeyeva, curium, fermium ) and compound words (joule-seconds, galvanofaradizatsiya, ampervoltvattmetr), as well as components names, that is, phrases (Dember effect, the method of Kuhn and Roth, the law of Bouguer-Lambert-Beer law), and formed by three main ways - semantic, morphological and syntactic derivation.

The study of the terms, eponyms on the background of similar structure, on ways of education, on the functional characteristics appellative names of terminology allows us to estimate the proper names (anthroponomy) as a potential source of formation of nominative significant terms, the specific features which do not impair their ability to capture, store and transmit technical and scientific the information.

When using the proper names (IP) in a peculiar paradox terminoobrazovanii: eponimizatsiya terminology phenomenon is known as resistance from the experts, and practical terminotvorchestvo steadily swells the ranks of eponimicheskih items.

Certain difficulties in the use of ES exists and is in the fact that the construction of proper names are semantically not motivated and are in certain contradiction to communicative and cognitive functions of the language of science.

One of the most challenging problems arising in connection with the study of ES, is the problem of semantics proper name. In contrast, onomastics, which is interested in the value of IP by itself (ie, from which it formed the basis appellative and what it means), in the terminology in the foreground term relationship with the scientific concept, reflected in the title of the essential features of the concept.

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