
Conference publications


XIX conference

A new concept of teaching mathematics in the State University of Management

Andrusenko N.P., Efimova M.V.

State University of Management Department of Higher Mathematics, Russia, 109 542, Moscow, Ryazan prospectus, d.99. Tel. (495) 371-70-88, fax: (495) 371-70-88, E-mail:

1 pp. (accepted)

In connection with the transition of the State University of Management at the two-step higher education system there had to be revised program courses "Mathematics", "Mathematical analysis" and "Linear Algebra". In the new conditions each institution determines the required number of hours of study of mathematical disciplines. Therefore we faced the task of creating programs and training materials that meet the needs of the departments with regard to their orientation and to help students not only master the most difficult theoretical problems in mathematics, but also to get the initial idea on the application of mathematical methods for analysis of economic processes.

Created the programs are based on the following principles:

1) Subject "Mathematics" as a means of forming of fundamental knowledge.

2) Usage of mathematics as a research tool in professional activity.

3) Usage of mathematics as a necessary basis for interdisciplinary research, as well as to learn new technologies and their implementation in the research.

While the basic sections of the program remained, the partitions necessary for the development of courses are strengthened. Manuals and textbooks issued by the department "Higher Mathematics" SUM contain problems pre-assigned to specific areas of training. For the branch "Economics" - the problem of economic content, for example, weblike market model, production functions, profit maximization of production. For the branch "Management" - the problem of optimizing business processes. In particular, for the Institute, "Taxes and Taxation," a lot of attention is paid to the concept of elasticity, which is used to assess the impact of new taxes, and to institute "Finances and Credit" - the problem of credit.

Significant place in the study subjects "Mathematics" is given self-study, involving the study of theory and solution of the problem in order to develop independent thought. Landmark control conductivity converges in the form of a written test and a written examination, options which are developed separately for each specialty and contain about 30% of the problems that takes into account the specifics of colliding Graduate Departments.

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