
Conference publications


XVI conference

Software for creation of electronic educational materials

Kuzenkova G.V.

Lobachevsky State of Nizhni Novgorod, Faculty of Computing Math and Cybernetics Software Department, Russia, 603022 Lower Novgorod, Pr. Gagarin 12-23, c. 6

1 pp. (accepted)

Application of computer technologies in institute of higher education is a process inevitable and necessary. Computer technologies firmly occupy the niche along with the obligatory classic forms of work. However always attended new technologies for a teacher are with the increase of the labour loading at preparation or complete processing of initial educational materials (thus, as a rule, the additional teaching receptions and methods of work is required yet with the programs). The modern market of software for creation of electronic obra¬zovatel'nykh facilities is enough wide. All of variety of the programs can be divided into a few groups: special programs of author development (Authoware, Lector Pablisher, Quest, Toolbook and other), various programs of creation of tests and tasks (, Sunrav Testofficepro and other), programs of author development of Web-сайтов as electronic courses, various mediaredaktory, instruments of virtual environments of teaching, the programs of transformation are converters (for example, for presentations of Powerpoint: POWERCONVERTER, Hotfoot and other). The basic criterion of the vy¬bora programs for creation of electronic educational materials is soot¬vetst¬vie of programmatic functions to the aims and teaching tasks, and also technical voz¬mozhnostyam. Experience of creation of electronic educational materials shows that, in spite of powerful instruments, plenty of time is expended on the input of the prepared initial information. For example, at creation of tests in the commercial programs of kazh¬dyy test question, as a rule, it is needed to collect (or to copy), setting parameters (right answers, time of answer, mode of operations of tested etc.). Within the framework of project of computer support of educational portal of fakul'¬teta VMK the programs are developed, where a few algorithms of creation of electronic educational are used by material (textbooks and tests, including on kur¬sam ma¬tematicheskogo of cycle): program-shell, where the hypertext model of presentation of information and possibility of introduction of mediamaterialov was utillized; program-designer, pozvo¬lya¬yuschaya on the basis of the offered templates to choose a certain educational trajectory. In first case the test modules connect to the file with theoretical material, in second case the test modules are inculcated in the structure of educational material. The algorithm of generation is more effective (on the expenses of time on creation of electronic educational materials and verification of conception of project), on oprede¬lennoy pro¬g¬ram¬me, prepared educational product from files, created in tra¬dicionnykh editors (for example, MS Office).

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