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Conference publicationsAbstractsXVI conferenceDynamic model of local resistance to unpaid use of public goods (Model of free rider supression)Department of mathematics, The Finance Academy under the Government of RF , Leningradskyi pr., 49, Moscow 125468 Russia 1 pp. (accepted)The dynamics of local resistance to unpaid use of public goods is simulated with the help of Markov model for “counterfeiter problem”. The Model was worked out earlier by authors on the base of finite Markov chain with the single absorbing state [1,2] and can be considered as particular case of well - known “free rider problem” [3]. The growing resistance to counterfeiting is shown to appear and develop, if economic interests of market agents in the nearest surroundings of “disturber” (counterfeiter) are violated with increasing frequency and intensity. The system “disturber – surrounding” is demonstrated to be self-adjustable. The main parameters having an influence on surroundings reaction intensity are tested out. Matrix equations describing efficiency of “counterfeiting suppression” are presented. A computer simulation of the problem for a set of parameters’ values was carried out. Formal criteria, which make the process of “disturbance” (counterfeiting) completely impossible or cause its suppression in few cycles of “money circulation”, are formulated. The institutional conditions to realize a principal possibility of local solution for “free rider problem” are discussed.
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