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Dubna, Russia, 27 January – 1 February 2020


The main goal of the interdisciplinary MCE conferences is organization of the productive interaction between scientists and higher education staff, preservation of traditions of Russian science and education, training of scientific and pedagogical staff in the field of mathematical modeling and information technologies and attraction of young people into science and education. [read more...]

Oral and poster presentations are held on the following topics:

The Conference registration deadline is January 19, 2020. Abstract submission deadline is November 10, 2019.

As a part of the Conference we organize the International Symposium “Biophysics of complex systems. Computational and systems biology. Molecular modeling”. 

With advances in experimental sciences it becomes obvious that new comprehensive approach is required for deep understanding of biological phenomena at different spatial and temporal scales. The need for integration between different branches of knowledge emerges in such disciplines as bioinformatics and systems biology. The Workshop is aimed at facilitating dialogue between experimental, computational, and theoretical aspects in life sciences and will address interdisciplinary practices across the natural sciences.

The Symposium scientific program includes lectures by leading scientists, oral and poster presentations, workshops and discussions, master classes on:

  • biophysics of nanostructures
  • molecular modeling
  • analysis and modeling of subcellular systems
  • modeling methods of dynamic systems in biology, ecology, medicine
  • spatial and temporal self-organization processes in biology and medicine
  • problems of biophysical teaching at universities

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