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Pushchino, Russia, 23–28 January 2017


The main goal of the interdisciplinary MCE conferences is organization of the productive interaction between scientists and higher education staff, preservation of traditions of Russian science and education, training of scientific and pedagogical staff in the field of mathematical modeling and information technologies and attraction of young people into science and education. [read more...]

MCE–2017 conference is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Pushchino Scientific Center of Biological Research and the 50th anniversary of the science city Pushchino. Conference participants will be able to take a tour of Pushchino Research Center institutions, including Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory and museums of Pushchino. On Thursday, January 26, creative collectives of Pushchino will perform a concert at the House of Scientists.

Oral and poster presentations are held on the following topics:

As a part of the Conference we organize the International Symposium “Biophysics of complex systems. Molecular modeling. Systems biology. Self-organization processes”. 

With advances in experimental sciences it becomes obvious that new comprehensive approach is required for deep understanding of biological phenomena at different spatial and temporal scales. The need for integration between different branches of knowledge emerges in such disciplines as bioinformatics and systems biology. The Workshop is aimed at facilitating dialogue between experimental, computational, and theoretical aspects in life sciences and will address interdisciplinary practices across the natural sciences.

The Symposium scientific program includes lectures by leading scientists, oral and poster presentations, workshops and discussions, master classes on:

  • biophysics of nanostructures
  • molecular modeling
  • analysis and modeling of subcellular systems
  • modeling methods of dynamic systems in biology, ecology, medicine
  • spatial and temporal self-organization processes in biology and medicine
  • problems of biophysical teaching at universities

The following workshops will be held during the Symposium:

  • Molecular modeling
    (Maria G. Khrenova and Ilya B. Kovalenko),
    Ab initio methods, molecular and Brownian dynamics simulations play a key role in the investigation of different objects. At the workshop we will discuss physical basis of molecular modeling and its application in various fields of science and technology.
  • Systems biology
    (Anatoly A. Sorokin and Tatiana Yu. Plusnina).
    System biology is a young and rapidly developing branch of science that emerged at the beginning of the millennium at the intersection of molecular biology, computational mathematics, bioinformatics and complex systems theory.
  • Processes of self-organization
    (Aleksei M. Nesterenko).
    The phenomena of self-organization are studied in various fields of natural sciences and humanities. The seminar will discuss the models that describe the processes of self-organization, such as, for example, models of biological morphogenesis, clustering models of complex chemical systems, models of social self-organization, etc.

During the round table discussion "Russia Culture Media: Mass Media, Meetings, Internet" Conference participants will discuss the problems of communication in the modern scientific and educational community and to present their projects.

At the meeting dedicated to the memory of Dmitrii Chernavskii his followers will talk about new research areas connected with his name. Dmitrii Chernavskii was a leading specialist in Russia in the field of interdisciplinary research, one of the founders of the theory of self-organization. His long fruitful creative life has become an inspiration to many generations of Russian scientists.

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